joomla security releaseJoomla 3.3.6 and 2.5.27 now available. These releases include both Security & Maintenance updates.

This is a maintenance release addressing issues with yesterday's 3.3.5 & 2.5.26 release. This release addresses an issue related to the core update component, one regression in the user password reset process, and adds a fallback upgrade mechanism for the update component.

This release is also considered a security release since it includes two resolved security issues that was included in 3.3.5 and 2.5.26

A 3.2.7 an release is also available for users who are still using Joomla! 3.2 which addresses the security issues and the upgrade component bug.

Those who have updated to 3.3.5 and 2.5.26 need to follow the Special Download Instructions that are available here:


Michael Babker, of the Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT), acknowledges that there's been challenges with recent Jooma! CMS releases:

"While we strive to be as efficient as possible, there are times when things don't go smoothly, causing stress and headaches for our user base and the community members who test and prepare our releases. This last week has been an example of some rough times for our releases, and though no single person or group is to blame for any of the issues that we've experienced with these last releases, they do highlight areas where our teams and workflows can improve."

Read the full post over at